Church Officers and PCC
St Mary Magdalene Church is governed by its Parochial Church Council (“PCC”) and Church Officers. The governing documents of the PCC are the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956 and the Church Representation Rules (contained in Schedule 3 of the Synodical Government Measure 1969).
The current composition of our PCC is as follows:
Church Officers:
The Revd Matthew Price (Vicar and Chair)
The Revd Karl Ross (Assistant Curate)
Mrs Janet Upton (Church Warden)
Mr Nicholas Hewitt (Church Warden and Lay Vice Chair)
Mr Brian Philpot
Deanery Synod Representatives:
Mr Connor Hall
Mrs Mary Ives
Mr David Yaxley
Elected Lay Representatives on the PCC:
Mrs Catherine Banim
Mrs Janice Gwyn
Mrs Susan Loades
Miss Victoria Moyse
Mr Nnamdi Nonso Nwagbo
Mrs Anna Price
Mrs Gabrielle Saunders
Mr Christopher Upton